How do I fill cremation jewelry?

  1. First, plan to fill the piece of jewelry over your bag of ashes in case of spillage. You will
    receive both a funnel and adhesive with the piece of jewelry you purchased, keep them
    at the ready.
  2. Take note of the type of closure, Cremation jewelry comes with a screw top closure or
    plug. The type of closure will affect how you seal it.
  3. Open the piece of jewelry and place the funnel into the opening. Make sure the funnel tip
    will fit completely.
  4. Collect some ashes in the funnel and drop them into the urn. Jewelry urns hold a tiny
    amount of ashes, so start with a little bit at a time.
  5. You may need to jiggle the funnel or empty it periodically to keep the ashes flowing into
    the urn. Once the urn appears to be nearly full, place the funnel back into the bag of
  6. Make sure there is not too much ashes, if so, tap the piece of jewelry over the bag to
    release a small amount.
  7. At this point, you can close the urn and seal it. Once the urn is completely closed, add a
    dab of adhesive to the connection point to permanently seal it.
  8. Avoid putting adhesive on the threads of a screw top closure, because the glue may dry
    before you can close it. Instead, add a drop of glue when it is nearly closed or after you
    have tightly screwed in the top.
  9. Allow the adhesive to dry fully, and it is free to wear or give as a gift.
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